Tag: plastics

Some Fast-Food Items Contain Potentially Harmful Industrial Plastics: Study

Items from popular fast-food chains contain small amounts of certain chemicals in plastics that are believed to disrupt human hormones and possibly cause other serious health problems, a new study suggests. Researchers from George Washington University purchased 64 fast food items from outlets including McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Taco Bell, and Chipotle, and…

CEO Sees Innovation as a Solution to Plastic Pollution

When Jeff Gold founded Nexus Fuels (now Nexus Circular) in 2018, he was no greenhorn in environmental services—he first entered the field in the eighties. “The whole idea here, at least from my perspective, was to do something that would actually have a meaningful impact on the issue of plastic pollution—whether it be ocean plastics…

How Do Phthalates Put Children’s Health at Risk?

You may not realize it, but you likely encounter phthalates every day. These chemicals are found in many plastics, including food packaging, and they can migrate into food products during processing. They’re in personal care products such as shampoos, soaps, and laundry detergents, and in the vinyl flooring in many homes. They’re also in the news…

Victoria to Ban Many Single-Use Plastics

Disposable plastic straws, cutlery, and containers will soon be banned in Victoria in a state government crackdown on single-use plastics. Victorian Health Minister Lily D’Ambrosio on Saturday announced specific single-use plastic items would be phased out and banned by 2023. Plastic straws, drink stirrers, plates and polystyrene containers and cups are in the firing line….

Mexico City Ban on Single-Use Plastics Takes Effect

MEXICO CITY—A broad ban on single-use containers, forks, straws, and other ubiquitous items takes effect in Mexico’s capital, one of the world’s largest cities, after more than a year of preparation. On Friday, Mexico City’s environmental secretary said via Twitter that “from today on Mexico City [is] without single-use plastics.” The message urged people to…