Tag: Karl Marx

The Terrifying Prophecy of Bowers and the Only Way to Stop It

Commentary A great number of people were shocked by the result of the 2020 presidential election, but Curtis Bowers (former Republican member of the House of Representatives) might not have been. Although he never described himself as a prophet, he indeed foresaw in 2015, or earlier, that 2016 would be the last time in his lifetime…

[Premiering at 7PM ET] Who Really Was Karl Marx? How Does He Still Exert Influence Over the American Left?

Who was Karl Marx? From Marx and Nechayev to Lenin, Gramsci, and Black Lives Matter, we are seeing a long-term, well-integrated revolutionary movement on the verge of world domination. Trevor Loudon reviews James Simpson’s new book “Who Was Karl Marx?” and regards it as one of the best books written on the subject in a…

Who Really Was Karl Marx? How Does He Still Exert Influence Over the American Left?

Who was Karl Marx? From Marx and Nechayev to Lenin, Gramsci, and Black Lives Matter, we are seeing a long-term, well-integrated revolutionary movement on the verge of world domination. Trevor Loudon reviews James Simpson’s new book “Who Was Karl Marx?” and regards it as one of the best books written on the subject in a…

University Courses, T-Shirts, and Vodka: Drop ‘Romantic Notions’ of Communism, Says Victims of Communism Advocate

Canadians should be cautious about embracing “romantic notions” of Marxism or communism, a political ideology and system responsible for the deaths of millions of people since the early 20th century, says the chair of a charity working to establish a Canadian memorial to commemorate the victims of communism. “Some of the individuals, especially within the…

At University, Ideological Dissent Is Not Welcome

Commentary Lisa Keogh, a law student at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland, was attending an online class when she was asked to express her opinion. The question was, what is a woman? In a BBC interview on May 18, Keogh said that because of her answer—that women have female reproductive organs—the university is investigating her…

History and Self-Perpetuating Resentment

Commentary One of the most important but least acknowledged psychological factors that affects a person’s way of being in the world is his conception of history. It can make one glad to be alive, or bitter and resentful against all that exists. These days, bitterness and resentment are usually taken as signs of enlightenment. In…

Paul Kengor: Abolition of Private Property Is at the Core of Communism

To define communism in a sentence it is best to use original words by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who wrote that communist doctrine can be summarized as the abolition of private property Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College, told The Epoch Times in an interview. “The theory of the Communists…

Video: Paul Kengor: Communist Destruction Guides Modern Social Movements

It’s common to hear that when people speak about socialism, that socialism and communism have nothing to do with each other. But what’s really the case? To learn more about this, the history of communism, the goals of communism, and how these relate to the socialist idea, we’ve invited to speak with us Paul Kengor,…