Tag: Grant Newsham

Why a Free Taiwan Is Crucial to the US: Experts

No more phones, computers, cars? That’s just one area Americans’ daily lives would be affected if Beijing were to wage war on Taiwan. Bradley Thayer, founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, said that “for too many Western politicians and politicians in the Indo-Pacific, Taiwan is an afterthought when it should be…

Grant Newsham: Beijing ‘Taking Notes’ on Russia-Ukraine War As It Plans Taiwan Takeover | CPAC 2022

“If it turns out that Putin is able to take all of Ukraine or even a huge chunk of it and get away with it, the Chinese will take note,” says Grant Newsham, a retired U.S. Marine Colonel and Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policy. “The Chinese are going to be emboldened to…

Beijing’s Bid to Go Behind US Defenses

In a game of chess that spans the globe, China seems to be winning. The United States doesn’t even realize it’s playing. Whoever controls the waters of the Pacific Ocean gains military power. China has been buying up islands in the region, paving the way for future military bases. Unlike news from the South China…

China’s Long-Term Plan to Grind Down US Presence in Asia: The Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands protestors set fire to government buildings and businesses in Chinatown on Friday to show their anger at the interplay of local power and CCP influence. Behind this are resentments for the CCP’s undercutting of local economic developments. In recent years, the Party has increased its foreign influence on the islands. What role do…

‘Fight of Our Lifetime’: Grant Newsham on the Global Impact If China Declares War on Taiwan

In this special episode, we sat down with two guests: Grant Newsham, senior fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies; and Rick Fisher, senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. Newsham talked about China’s recent aggressive air incursions into Taiwan as well as how neighbors like Japan might react, while Fischer touched on the…