Tag: Governments

EPOCHTV: ‘Technocrats’ Are Using COVID-19 to Realize a Totalitarian High-Tech Agenda: Patrick Wood

The world is falling into a new type of tyranny that has been in development for decades, and which uses high-tech and corporate monopoly to instill a system of total social control. With COVID-19 and the pandemic, this form of social control has only accelerated with governments across the world implementing harsh policies in the…

ECB Asks for Governments’ Help to Hit Inflation Goal

FRANKFURT—European governments should be allowed to spend more when inflation is below the European Central Bank’s 2 percent inflation goal and vice versa, the ECB’s chief economist Philip Lane said on Friday. European Union governments are debating how to reform the EU’s fiscal rules to deal with a pandemic-induced surge in public debt and with…

Analysis: Central Banks and Governments in Eastern Europe at Odds Amid Inflation

BUDAPEST—A surge in price growth in eastern Europe has opened a rift between central banks that have launched rate hikes to battle inflation and populist governments trying to defend a strong economic recovery. The standoff is most apparent in Hungary and the Czech Republic, where national elections have complicated the task of central banks, which…