Tag: eat better

Cooking for Healing: The Pungent Potency of Ginger | Eat Better

Herbs and spices were used by ancient cultures to heal the body, mind, and spirit. The Western world has largely replaced these natural remedies with pharmaceuticals. But that said, around 80 percent of people worldwide still use traditional or ancient medicine. This isn’t surprising. That’s because more than 80 percent of pharmaceuticals are derived or…

10 Foods That Reduce Stress

At some point or other, we’ve all had that feeling of overwhelming stress—the one where your heart is pounding too fast, you can’t seem to think straight or breathe properly, and frankly, you’re just knackered. But guys, chill. It’s been proven that stress and nutrition basically go hand in hand. Someone living a healthy life…

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

Fish, tomatoes, feta cheese, chicken, and lots of olive oil—we have just listed a bunch of ingredients to make a special meal. But all of these ingredients have something in common: They’re staples of the Mediterranean diet. When you think of the Mediterranean, you probably think of the coast of Greece. Blue and white colors…

Discover Hidden Sugars in 10 Common Foods

Have you ever wondered why you’re packing on loads of weight? You’re packing on loads of weight even though you think you’re eating healthfully? The truth is, many foods we perceive to be healthy may be far from it! Don’t be deceived by clever marketing. Some contain hidden ingredients like trans fats, which the body…

These 5 Foods Safely Suppress Your Appetite | Eat Better

In this episode of Eat Better, we are going to look at five common foods that can help to control your appetite. They’ll keep you on a natural path toward health and wellness. Being overweight or obese is the result of a complex set of interactions among genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. As part of…

Kids, Soda, and Obesity | Eat Better

Welcome to Eat Better I’m Gina Marie. In this episode we’re going to talk about children, soda, and obesity. Soda addiction has long been a problem in our nation’s schools here in America. It was never a problem in my school where I grew up in New Zealand. There was no such thing as a…

The Worst Foods That Make You More Hungry | Eat Better

In this episode, we are going to talk about weight gain and obesity because it’s a common and very costly health issue. We’re also going to talk about the worst foods that make you hungry. Please click on the ‘CC’ button to activate English subtitles. – * Click the “Save” button below the video to…

Stop Cognitive Decline With These 9 Great Nutritional Tips | Eat Better

For many baby boomers, it’s an unpleasant irony—the generation that famously said “Never trust anyone over thirty!” is now, itself, experiencing the undeniable signs of cognitive decline. This is due to aging. For example, the statistics on Alzheimer’s suggest we have a serious health crisis on our hands, especially as we move closer to 2050….

8 Steps to Cleanse Your Liver for Spring | Eat Better

Many of you may be familiar with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In TCM, it’s believed that spring is a time of renewal. It’s also the perfect time to cleanse the liver. What I find fascinating about TCM is every season has a color, a flavor, a natural element, and an organ that is dominant during…

Rounding Up Healthy Rice Choices | Eat Better

Believe it or not, there are thousands of varieties of rice, with colors ranging from black to purple to red and more. Of course, the type most of us know best is white rice. You may have heard some people say rice isn’t nutritious or it will lead you to gain weight. But is this…