Tag: COVID-19 school closures

Make Schools ‘A No-Go Zone for Closure,’ Says Education Expert

As Ontario and other provinces offer more tax dollars to help students catch up on schooling losses during the pandemic, some education experts say the more important consideration is to keep schools from ever closing again. On July 25, the Ontario government presented a Plan to Catch Up that provides more than $26.6 billion in funding…

California Earns ‘F’ for COVID Response Focused on Lockdowns, School Closures: Study

California earned an “F” for its response to COVID-19 in a comprehensive study released last week of state responses to the pandemic between 2020 and 2021.  The study also ranked California 47th for its handling of the economy, education, and mortality during the pandemic.    The report (pdf) was issued by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity,…

It’s Time We Put Students First Rather Than Last

Commentary Finally, provincial governments are loosening public health restrictions. Based on what many health officials are saying, there’s a good chance that our country will be largely free of these restrictions by spring. This is happening not a moment too soon, particularly for our young people. Even though kids are in the age group that…

Teachers’ Unions Are Undermining Their Own Long-Term Viability

Finally, schools across Canada are starting to reopen. Most provinces had switched to remote learning at the beginning of January to assess the impact of the Omicron variant. But now, thankfully, these remote learning sessions are coming to an end. Students in British Columbia and Alberta were back in class on Jan. 10. Meanwhile, Manitoba…

Aussie PM Calls for Co-ordinated School Reopening

The head of the prime minister’s department is working with the states and territories to harmonise the return of school for 2022. Some states and territories are weighing up delays to school reopening for the new year, to allow more children to be vaccinated for COVID-19, while some insist the term should start as scheduled….

Closing Schools at This Stage of the Pandemic Is Wrong

Commentary Ontario students must deal with another two weeks of their schools being closed. To be more precise, students will not be back in school for “at least” another two weeks. That’s politician-speak for indefinitely. Premier Doug Ford says it wasn’t a hard decision. In fact, it took only 30 seconds for him to make…