Tag: child care

Liberals Bank on Child Care, Business Aid to Prod Growth in New Budget

OTTAWA—The federal Liberals are betting that billions more in debt will pay for itself with the economic growth fuelled by helping thousands of workers find jobs and small businesses adapt to shifting consumer behaviour. The government’s budget estimates its spending plan will create or maintain some 330,000 jobs next year and add about two percentage…

Biden Admin Releases $39 Billion From Stimulus Package to Address ‘Child Care Crisis’

The White House on Thursday announced that it is releasing $39 billion in funding for states to address the “child care crisis” with the money to come from the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill President Joe Biden signed into law last month. The Biden administration said the $39 billion is aimed at addressing the “acute,…

Biden’s $15 Minimum Wage Would Raise Childcare Costs, Hurt Families: Heritage Foundation

The author of a new study on the impact of a $15 federal minimum wage on childcare costs said that while the move will boost the incomes of some lower wage workers, it will increase childcare costs across the country by as much as 43 percent in some states. Rachel Greszler, a research fellow in…

Ontario’s Expands Eligibility for Emergency Child Care Program in Remote Learning Regions

Ontario says it is expanding the list of eligible workers under its emergency child care program in regions where students continue to engage in remote learning mandated by the government in their effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.  The new list will allow additional workers and their families to have access to free child…