Tag: Backpacks

Inflation Weighs on Back-to-School Buying for Many Families

NEW YORK—To understand the impact of surging inflation on this year’s back-to-school spending, look no further than children’s rain boots with motifs like frogs and ladybugs made by Washington Shoe Co. Spending held steady for these evergreen items even after the Kent, Washington-based business was forced to pass along 15 percent price increases in January…

Orange County Program Aims to Accelerate Backpack Giveaway

An Orange County nonprofit that donates backpacks to needy children says it will aim to nearly double its contributions for the upcoming school year. Community Action Partnership (CAP OC) announced it hopes to “provide supplies to more students than ever” by giving away 5,000 backpacks to low-income students for the 2021–2022 school year. “No student…