Tag: adverse reactions to covid vaccines

How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix

He was duped by the matrix of propaganda, but after he took the vaccine he had horrible side effects and went on to discover they lied about everything as part of a criminal act on an unbelievable scale. Now he’s spitting fire at the evil psychopathic system. Download Interview Transcript  Download my FREE Podcast  Video Link STORY…

Analysis: COVID Vaccines Caused 300,000 Excess Deaths in 2022 Alone

Every day Dr. McCullough and I speak to people who have been injured—or have a family member who has been killed—by one of the COVID-19 vaccines. Almost every day, McCullough examines one or more patients with vaccine injuries in his clinical practice. Because he has become a “go-to” doctor for people who are suffering from…

Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News

Insurance industry research from 2016 showed that group life policyholders are considerably healthier than the general U.S. population. They tend to be younger, well-educated, and employed with Fortune 500 companies. So, what happened in 2021 to turn the tables so dramatically? Video Link Story at-a-Glance Former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd is bringing attention to…

Adverse Events Risk in COVID Vaccine Trials Was One in 565, Doctor Tells National Citizen’s Inquiry

The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest in about one in every 565 people, a U.S. doctor testified at the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI). “That is quite a high number of serious adverse effects from a vaccine. We typically have withdrawn vaccines for one…

Chinese Health Expert: COVID Vaccines Can Cause Myocarditis

A prominent Chinese cardiologist has acknowledged that COVID vaccines can cause severe myocarditis, and has proposed the establishment of centers focusing on diagnosis enhancement and treatment training. An expert in cardiovascular internal medicine, Wang Daowen is the Director of the Internal Medicine Department at Tongji Hospital, Wuhan, and a professor at Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University…

Young Pilot Fights Post-Jab Heart Issues, Speaks Out on COVID Shot Fears

Sierra Lund, a recreational pilot, shudders to think what could have happened if she had been in the cockpit when she started experiencing heart attack-like symptoms. Just 18 hours after being injected with a COVID-19 shot, Lund felt intense pain in her chest. She was having trouble breathing. “Walking was a struggle,” she said. None…

Why the Body Attacks Itself After COVID-19 Vaccination

The human immune system is designed to recognize foreign invaders (microbes, other substances), attack, kill, and then clear the debris away. For that reason, we must be sure that our bodies recognize our own cells as “protected” and the foreign ones as targets. For the first time, mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and adenoviral DNA (Janssen) COVID-19…

Over 25 Percent of American Parents Lied About Child’s COVID-19 Status

A quarter of parents lied about whether their children were following COVID-19 public health measures (PHM), including misrepresenting vaccination status and falsifying the age of their children, a recent study has found. The study, conducted among 580 U.S. parents between Dec. 8 and 23, 2021, asked whether they had engaged in any of the seven…

Intravenous Spike Protein Detoxification

As COVID-19 vaccine victims are waking up to the reality that their bodies have been genetically loaded with either Pfizer or Moderna modifications (~70 percent homologous) of the Wuhan spike protein, a collective panic is driving a search for detoxification of this deadly protein proven to cause heart damage, neurological injury, blood clotting, and potentially…

Birth Rates Plunge in Heavily Vaccinated Countries

In many countries, births dropped sharply nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. Let’s look at how this happens. And will these populations recover? Vital Statistics–Hidden Data Since the beginning of COVID, vital statistics as reported by governments around the world, are hard to come by. Spotty availability hinders analysis and understanding. For example, even…