Category: Ventavia Research Group

Warner Mendenhall: Medical Malpractice, Unprecedented Overreach, and Hospital Protocols That Killed

“The upper bounds of damages against Pfizer would be $3.6 trillion dollars. And obviously, Pfizer’s not worth $3.6 trillion dollars. That company would have to be seized in bankruptcy, its assets distributed and sold off, and I think that’s an appropriate end for that company. So I’m doing everything I can to get there.” After…

[PREMIERING NOW] Warner Mendenhall: Medical Malpractice, Unprecedented Overreach, and Hospital Protocols That Killed

“The upper bounds of damages against Pfizer would be $3.6 trillion dollars. And obviously, Pfizer’s not worth $3.6 trillion dollars. That company would have to be seized in bankruptcy, its assets distributed and sold off, and I think that’s an appropriate end for that company. So I’m doing everything I can to get there.” After…

[PREMIERING 7:30PM ET] Warner Mendenhall: Medical Malpractice, Unprecedented Overreach, and Hospital Protocols That Killed

“The upper bounds of damages against Pfizer would be $3.6 trillion dollars. And obviously, Pfizer’s not worth $3.6 trillion dollars. That company would have to be seized in bankruptcy, its assets distributed and sold off, and I think that’s an appropriate end for that company. So I’m doing everything I can to get there.” After…

[PREMIERING 6/22, 7:30PM ET] Warner Mendenhall: Medical Malpractice, Unprecedented Overreach, and Hospital Protocols That Killed

“The upper bounds of damages against Pfizer would be $3.6 trillion dollars. And obviously, Pfizer’s not worth $3.6 trillion dollars. That company would have to be seized in bankruptcy, its assets distributed and sold off, and I think that’s an appropriate end for that company. So I’m doing everything I can to get there.” After…

EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer Trial Whistleblower Presses Forward With Lawsuit Without US Government’s Help

A former clinical trial overseer for a contractor holding trials of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is pressing forward with a lawsuit against Pfizer and her former company despite the U.S. government declining to side with her. Brook Jackson was fired by the contractor, Ventavia Research Group, in 2020. She came forward as a whistleblower in 2021….