Category: u.s. energy production

New Organization Pays Journalists to Spread Climate-Change Ideology

If you want to fight climate change, one way is to pay journalists to spread the word while training them in environmental ideology. Another way is to promote products that are in line with the transition to renewable energy so that eco-friendly companies can profit from the so-called “moral opportunity.” This is the approach of…

US Average Gas Prices Drop 56 Cents In Past Week, While Falling Below $5 A Barrel

U.S. gas prices dropped below $5 on June 17, alleviating pain at the pump for drivers across the nation after the average price per gallon hit an all-time high in the first half of this month. “LIVE: WE DIVE UNDER FIVE! The national average has fallen back under $5 per gallon and stands at $4.99 per gallon. For the first…

US Average Gas Prices Drop Below $5 Per Gallon

U.S. gas prices dropped below $5 on June 17, alleviating pain at the pump for drivers across the nation after the average price per gallon hit an all-time high in the first half of this month. “LIVE: WE DIVE UNDER FIVE! The national average has fallen back under $5 per gallon and stands at $4.99 per gallon. For the first…

Strategic That US Lead in Energy and Essential Minerals: Minnesota Congressman

Proponents of an all-of-the-above energy strategy say the United States’ energy independence is being undermined by the current administration, and adversaries are profiting from the Biden administration’s energy policies. With the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) currently controlling the mining of essential minerals and Russia exporting oil and gas around the world, lawmakers like Rep. Pete Stauber…

70 Percent of Americans Favor Increase in Domestic Oil, Gas Production: Rasmussen

A vast majority of Americans want the country to be energy independent, according to a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports, indicating increasing frustration with rising fuel costs and the impact it has on everyday expenses. Poll results show 70 percent of likely U.S. voters support a policy of boosting domestic oil and gas production to…

Biden’s Stance on Energy Will Gut Production and Economy, Experts Say

The Biden administration has clamped down hard on energy and oil as part of its climate change agenda. But experts warn the president’s recent actions will have long term impacts on production and the economy—it will also mean more dependence from imports. President Joe Biden recently issued a slew of executive orders including freezing new…

American Energy Independence at Risk With Biden Orders, Experts Say

The Biden administration has clamped down hard on energy and oil as part of its climate change agenda. But experts warn the president’s recent actions will have long term impacts on production and the economy—it will also mean more dependence from imports. President Joe Biden recently issued a slew of executive orders including freezing new…