Category: Treatments and Techniques

Long-Term Blood Sugar History Predicts Risk of Severe COVID-19 Among Diabetics

According to a new study, diabetics who have poorly managed their blood sugar levels over the long term are nearly 50 percent more likely to wind up in intensive care if they contract COVID-19. The study looked at several potential impacts to COVID-19 severity in diabetes patients and also found that common diabetes-control medications could…

What Are the Best Probiotics for a Healthy Immune System?

Our health landscape is changing rapidly and we find ourselves in a new era. An era of degrading food supply, systemic inflammation, and overuse of drugs, including antibiotics. Living in our modern world takes its toll and we see it in our practices every day. Antibiotics are failing, superbugs are on the rise, and digestive…

Does Cellphone Radiation Affect Fertility?

“Are men talking their reproductive health away?” a 2015 study in the Asian Journal of Andrology asks. There have been “unexplained declines in semen quality reported in several countries,” according to a 2014 review in Environment International. Might cellphones be playing a role? “Radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation [RF-EMR] from these devices could potentially affect sperm development and function,”…

Top Three Reasons to Try Holy Basil

From fighting bad breath or gum disease without the use of chemical mouthwash to pushing glucose levels down, holy basil — also known as tulsi — can be your powerful tool for great health Holy basil, also known as tulsi, is an aromatic herb that is widely celebrated in India within Ayurvedic medicine. According to…

Iron Overload Destroys Mitochondria, Sabotages Health

Iron is necessary for life as it is essential to transfer oxygen into your tissues. Hemoglobin, the protein in your red blood cells that contains iron at its core, reversibly binds to oxygen and supplies your tissues with it. Without proper oxygenation, your cells quickly start dying. Iron is also a key component of various…

Third-Most Popular Supplement: Why Are People Taking It?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is the third-most consumed supplement, yet many people don’t realize how clinically effective it really is. Although it’s not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a treatment or preventative drug, several new studies show that taking CoQ10 supplements may help address several chronic health conditions, including atrial fibrillation (AFib),…

No Time For The Gym? Eat An Orange!

Research suggests that vitamin C may give you some of the same heart benefits as regular exercise.  A study from the University of Colorado, Boulder examined the effects of vitamin C supplements on overweight and obese adults.  This group of people is often advised to exercise to improve their heart health but more than 50%…

Recovering From Miscarriage

In recent times, miscarriage rates have significantly increased. Miscarriage is a spontaneous loss of a woman’s pregnancy within the first 20 weeks of gestation. Miscarriage is a significant loss for many couples. While miscarriage is often something that people quietly suffer through, it’s a topic that should be discussed more openly because of how common…

The Flu, You, and What to Do

If there was ever a season to not celebrate, it’s flu season. Statistics show that most people get the flu from October to May. That’s more than six months out of the year. What is the flu? Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs….

Rapid Vitamin D Delivery May Result in Better COVID Outcomes

Since the start of the pandemic, natural supplements have been a bone of contention with researchers, pharmaceutical companies, doctors and health experts. Newly published data again support past research that vitamin D has a significant impact on COVID-19. Vitamin D was discovered in the early 1900s. Work by Sir Edward Mellanby from Great Britain and…