Category: Small Towns

Connecting Through Mail

A recent Pew research poll stated that Americans have a 91 percent positive view of the United States Postal Service. However, a poll done by the USPS noted a drastic drop in service for delivering letters and First-Class mail. Of course, one is quick to realize the cause of this decline. Most Americans prefer the…

Why the Current Flight to Small Towns May Save America

A friend of mine decided to shake the dust of the city off his feet last year and migrate to a more rural area. Reflecting on the move, he seemed surprised at how much he’s enjoying the change. My takeaway from our conversation was that his life was fresh and new now that he had…

Small Towns With Big Attractions

Big cities have a lot going for them. New York’s theater district, the monuments and museums in Washington, and major attractions of other urban centers draw visitors from throughout the country and around the world. But don’t overlook what other towns, no matter how small, have to offer. Many boast of enough to hold one’s…