Category: self-control

The Transgressive Road to Slavery

Commentary Picture today’s quintessential TikTok star with her (or is it “zer”?) unheard-of gender identity, unpronounceable pronouns, and glorified mental illness. Picture those woke college professors who rail against “anti-messiness,” “pro-niceness,” and organized pantries. Listen to modern relationship “experts” who basically just say ignore all traditional mores, be as promiscuous as possible, never get married, and never…

The Gentleman’s Guide to Self-Mastery From an 1890s Manual on Cultivating Self-Control, Character

The Kingship of Self-Control MAN has two creators,—his God and himself. His first creator furnishes him the raw material of his life and the laws in conformity with which he can make that life what he will. His second creator,—himself,—has marvelous powers he rarely realizes. It is what a man makes of himself that counts. When a man…

Should Society Tell 10-Year-Olds, ‘The World Is a Better Place With You in It’?

Commentary A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times published a photo of what I had reason to believe was an elementary school classroom. I couldn’t help but notice a big, colorful sign in the classroom that read, “The World Is A Better Place With You In It.” Using an example of it being…

Self-Controlled Kids Tend to Be Healthier Adults

In a new study, researchers found people who had higher levels of self-control as children were aging more slowly than their peers at age 45. Their bodies and brains were healthier and biologically younger, the researchers report. Self-control, the ability to contain one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and to work toward goals with a…