Category: proverbs

Proverbs to Cherish: ‘A Penny Saved’

Recently, our family, like many others, has been looking for ways to save. This has led me to think more deeply about the wonderful proverb, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” While some might consider the phrase cliché, it’s actually an excellent guide for many life choices. The most interesting aspect of it is…

Proverbs to Cherish: ‘Pride Before the Fall’

While of course “everyone knows” that pride can get you into trouble, the concept bears further reflection. For example, are there times in life where one might not have a problem as glaring as pride, but where shades of it can cause an issue? Most certainly. First, some background on the meaty proverb “Pride always…

Proverbs to Cherish: ‘Idle Hands’

I was fortunate to grow up with a mother who often spoke in proverbs—“a stitch in time,” “do unto others,” and so on—but have only truly begun to appreciate their wisdom as I’ve grown older. Yet when I use them nowadays, I find that a lot of people don’t know them and wish they did….