Category: joy

Pure Joy

I pity anyone within earshot of my voice whenever I see our grandbabies. They elicit pure joy in me. My voice rises to such an annoying pitch that the dog starts barking. Years ago, I read a story about a woman who brought joy to thousands of strangers while working in a large department store…

New Year, Old You: How to Find Yourself in 2021

Last year, I got to go to my sister-in-law’s wedding. At the reception, as people were finishing up their dinner and cake, the DJ got the music going and everyone made their way to the dance floor. I grabbed my 5-year-old son’s hand, walked onto the floor, and started to twirl him around. We danced…

The Discomfort of Happiness

I recently finished the first draft of a new book I’m writing. Almost every moment spent writing this book, like the previous ones I’ve written, has been tedious and arduous. It wasn’t enjoyable. But completing the draft made me happy. The same goes for every race I’ve run. Every challenging project I’ve completed. Every difficult…