Category: Department of Housing and Community Development

Majority of SoCal Cities Miss State Housing Plan Deadline, Face Possible Consequences

Sixty-one percent of Southern California cities failed to have an approved housing element plan by the Oct. 15 deadline—as mandated by the state—and now face possible consequences including loss of state funding, less control over certain development projects, and a shortened period for rezoning. The state has required cities and counties to update their housing…

Anaheim Council to Discuss Whether Stadium Sale Violated State Law

City council in Anaheim, Calif. will probe bureaucrats on the sale of Angel Stadium following accusations the transaction violated state law. Council is expected to ask staff questions July 20 regarding the Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) April 28 letter to the city, alleging a surplus land act (SLA) violation in the Angel Stadium deal. “In my opinion, there were lost opportunities…

Anaheim Facing Alleged Violations Over Angel’s Stadium Sale

Anaheim may have violated state law when selling the Angel Stadium and surrounding property, a California agency alleges. In a letter to Anaheim city attorney Robert Fabela, The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) alleged the city violated the Surplus Land Act (SLA) by not prioritizing the stadium and surrounding property for low- and moderate-income housing, unless the city provides documentation proving it is exempt. “None…