Category: decluttering

7 Things You Can Declutter From Your Linen Closet in the Next 5 Minutes

Quick: Make a rough estimate of how many pillowcases you own. Just enough to match your sheet sets? Or perhaps a few extras? Or perhaps you’re like many of us and are harboring a dozen spare pillowcases—or more—even if you don’t actually even have a guest room. Guilty as charged? If not, we’re fairly willing…

The Single Most Important Factor in Leading a Happy, Fulfilling Life—According to Science

Working out at the gym got a lot easier the day I realized the sweat served a higher purpose. I’m 43, and have three kids under 8 years old, so if I want to be around—healthy and active—for my grandchildren, I better put the work in now or face regret later. Activities that aren’t inherently…

What to Do When You Have Too Many of These Things

Before we get going here, and in the interest of full disclosure, I have an inner hoarder who puts up quite a fuss from time to time. I’ve managed to tame her, but now and again, she gets out. Before I know it, I have 48 boxes of borax on my storage shelves or 9,082…

10 Things You Should Declutter Every Time You Move

The moving process certainly has a downside—namely, the physical and financial burden of having to pack up and transport all of your stuff. The upside is that it presents the perfect opportunity to reassess your belongings and break free of what no longer suits you or the life you’re looking to create. Whether you’re making…

How Clearing out Clutter Can Improve Your Life

Getting organized is like dieting. Everyone knows how to do it, but the problem is getting around to it—to clearing out clutter, cleverly organizing what remains, and then maintaining the results. When we remodeled our kitchen a few years ago, I emptied every cupboard and drawer, carefully labeling every box and bin with its contents….

10 Items to Toss From Your Garage in the Next 30 Minutes

If your garage has turned into the glorified dumping ground for anything that doesn’t fit in your house or that you’re just not quite ready to get rid of, it’s time to get a garbage bag and a donations box and tackle the task. Your garage is a great place to store cars, bikes, lawn…

Baby Steps Lead From Clutter to Calm

I recently read about a couple who live in Oklahoma City. They don’t have a lot of clutter in their house, but they do find it impossible to part with their children’s things. The guest cottage behind their house is nearly filled with old toys, outgrown clothes, years of kids’ artwork, school papers, trophies, sports…

How to Get Rid of Almost Anything

The key to finding happiness in your decluttering efforts is answering this question: Once you decide to ditch your stuff, what do you do with it? Unless your soon-to-be-former possessions truly qualify as trash, you won’t want to set them out at the curb on pickup day to clog up your local landfill. Instead, the…