Category: china human rights abuses

Chinese Police Beat City Residents Protesting Sewage Plant Project, Including Pregnant Woman

Residents of Shuangliu district in Chengdu, capital of southwestern China’s Sichuan Province, recently gathered in protest of a controversial wastewater treatment plant under construction. Protesters told the Chinese-language Epoch Times that the facility was being built about 200 meters away from the residential compound of Yixin Lake. Dissatisfied residents launched a demonstration on Jan. 23,…

Team Canada to Participate in 2022 Olympics, Despite Calls for a Boycott Over Beijing’s Rights Abuses

Despite widespread calls by human rights groups for countries to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) announced on Feb. 4 that Team Canada will be participating in the Games. The COC and the Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) said in a joint statement that although they are “deeply concerned” over…

Three New Reports Expose China’s Human Rights Violations

News Analysis The international community has recently released three human rights reports. All three directly point to the Chinese communist regime for violation of basic human rights and freedom of belief. On Jan. 13, the British Conservative Party Human Rights Commission issued a report calling on the British government to take the lead in responding…

Human Rights Violations in China: World Must Form Alliances, Impose Sanctions, and Unite Against Beijing Regime, Webinar Hears

China’s lucrative market and economic opportunities have kept the West distracted from—or tolerant of—its human rights violations, but 2020 saw people waking up to the severity of the matter and the communist regime’s broader threat to the world, an online conference heard. Experts on human rights and international affairs came together on Jan. 14 in…

Canada, UK Announce Measures to Keep Forced Labour Goods Made in China’s Xinjiang From Entering Global Supply Chain

Canada and the UK have come up with several measures that aim to prevent goods made by forced labour in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region from entering the global supply chain and ensure that businesses in both countries are not complicit in forced labour in Xinjiang. Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne and Mary Ng, Minister…

Investigator of China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Wins First Global Humanitarian Leader Award

He is known to the Uyghurs, Falun Gong practitioners, and other oppressed minorities in China for his battle against the regime’s human rights violations and courageous investigations into brutal organ harvesting. David Matas, a Canadian lawyer and human rights defender, has become the first to be awarded the Global Humanitarian Leader of the Year award…

Whistleblower on China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Wins First Global Humanitarian Leader Award

He is known to the Uyghurs, Falun Gong practitioners, and other oppressed minorities in China for his battle against the regime’s human rights violations and courageous investigations into brutal organ harvesting. David Matas, a Canadian lawyer and human rights defender, has become the first to be awarded the Global Humanitarian Leader of the Year award…

Missing Chinese Rights Lawyer’s Sister Commits Suicide

Renowned human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s elder sister killed herself in May 2020, after facing years of pressure from the Chinese regime. Gao represented vulnerable groups in China, including disabled children, dismissed workers, victims of forced demolitions, Falun Gong adherents, house Christians, among others. He was detained multiple times by authorities as a result of…

Former Chinese Rights Lawyer’s Sister Commits Suicide

Renowned human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s elder sister killed herself in May 2020, after facing years of pressure from the Chinese regime. Gao represented vulnerable groups in China, including disabled children, dismissed workers, victims of forced demolitions, Falun Gong adherents, house Christians, among others. He was detained multiple times by authorities as a result of…

Germany’s UN Envoy Calls for Release of Kovrig and Spavor; China Fires Back

Germany’s envoy to the United Nations (U.N), during his last scheduled U.N. Security Council meeting, called on Beijing to release Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor for Christmas, prompting a harsh rebuke from China’s deputy U.N. envoy in response. “Let me end my tenure in the Security Council by appealing to my Chinese colleagues to…