Category: China business

China Tech Firms Share Algorithms W/ Regime; NY Manufacturing Conditions Plummet: Fed | NTD Business

Manufacturing activities plummet in New York, hitting a low not seen since the start of the pandemic. The Chinese regime is getting information on algorithms from its big tech firms. It’s unprecedented for big tech to be sharing its key trade secrets with the government. The summer movie season is going strong. Will it fully recover to pre-pandemic levels? The Illinois…

China Evergrande Chairman Says to Ensure Home Deliveries and Wealth Product Redemptions

HONG KONG—Cash-strapped developer China Evergrande Group said it held an internal meeting late on Wednesday night, in which its chairman urged company executives to ensure the quality delivery of properties and redemption of wealth management products. There is mounting political pressure on the company to act as homebuyers and retail investors grow increasingly angry about…