Category: Bonnie Henry

MP Questions Logic of Not Allowing Unvaccinated Health Staff to Work While Keeping COVID-Positive Staff on the Job

A Tory MP is questioning why B.C. is considering allowing vaccinated COVID-positive health-care workers to return to work but not those who are unvaccinated. “So, vaccinated but Covid positive workers are told to keep working, while unvaccinated workers are forced to stay home even if they are Covid-free? If this is really about protecting the…

Appeal of Ban on In-Person Church Gatherings Filed in BC Supreme Court

A lawyer representing three Fraser Valley churches has filed a notice of appeal in B.C.’s top court over the province’s ban on in-person religious gatherings. B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson ruled on March 18 that the order issued by B.C. Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry banning in-person religious gatherings infringed on Canadians’…