Category: blue state

A Vote for Joe Biden Best Predictor of States With Lowest Birth Rates, According to Analysis

Women in blue states have far fewer babies than those in red states as the U.S. birthrate plunges downward, according to a conservative think tank analysis. While political affiliation may seem like an odd determiner of birth rates, states that gave Biden the largest share of votes in 2020 have the lowest birth rates, according…

Leisure Sector Jobs Recovered Faster in Highly Vaccinated States: Fitch

A new report from Fitch says jobs in the leisure and hospitality sector recovered faster between March and August 2021 in states with higher vaccination rates. The Fitch analysis indicates that states in the highest quartile—where more than 66 percent of the population was vaccinated against COVID-19 at the beginning of August—recorded leisure and hospitality…

A Divide Grows Between the Red and the Blue

Commentary All throughout the 1990s and 2000s there was a constant national debate in this country about which “model” was the best for each state to follow: the “red” conservative model or the “blue” liberal model. I don’t think there’s much of a debate left at this point; it’s pretty clear who won the argument…

Florida Sheriff to Migrants From Blue States: Don’t Vote the Way You Did Before ‘Or You’ll Have Here What You Had There’

On June 9, The Epoch Times reported how Florida was the number one state in the nation for people to move to, while New York and California took first and second place respectively for states that have the most people leaving. To those moving to Florida from blue states, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd says:…

People Fleeing Collapsing Economies of Blue States Advise Those Who Remain: ‘Start Making Better Decisions on Who You Vote For’

According to the National Association of Realtors, an estimated 8.9 million people have relocated to Florida from states like New Jersey, New York, and California since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the economies of these states continue to crumble under the stress of continued lockdowns and other destructive policies, fleeing former residents offer…

Red States Lead the Charge In Lowest Unemployment Rates

Red states, along with lone Democrat-controlled Vermont, topped the charts in lowest unemployment rates in April, while blue states recorded the highest jobless rates, according to the Commerce Department. In a Friday release, the Commerce Department announced that the top five states with the highest unemployment rates in April were Hawaii (8.5 percent), followed by California…

Opinion: The United States of Two Americas

Commentary If you haven’t noticed, the United States is re-organizing itself into two Americas—Blue and Red. Although there is a President of the United States, the state governors are in many ways now driving the national narrative in this new America. The president and the vice president are who they are now because six Republican-controlled…

The United States of Two Americas

Commentary If you haven’t noticed, the United States is re-organizing itself into two Americas—Blue and Red. Although there is a President of the United States, the state governors are in many ways now driving the national narrative in this new America. The president and the vice president are who they are now because six Republican-controlled…

The United States of 2 Americas

Commentary If you haven’t noticed, the United States is re-organizing itself into two Americas—Blue and Red. Although there is a President of the United States, the state governors are in many ways now driving the national narrative in this new America. The president and the vice president are who they are now because six Republican-controlled…

Most Voters Think Lockdown States Did Worse Economically Than More Open Counterparts: Poll

A new poll shows that a majority of registered American voters believe states that imposed more stringent lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19 have done worse economically than those that remained relatively more open. The Just the News Daily-Scott Rasmussen poll, published Tuesday, shows that 53 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that…