Category: bar exam

Touching Tweet Shows Berkeley Law Alum Graduating From Same School Mom Did 26 Years Ago

A young man from the Bay Area recently graduated from Berkeley after three years of law school. His achievement is the latest milestone in a decades-old legacy, which began with his mom—at the very same school. After receiving his certificate, Savelle Jefferson posted a remarkable pair of “How it started vs. How it’s going” pictures on…

Single Mom From Nigeria Passes Bar Exam, and Her Happy Dance Goes Viral on Twitter

After passing the bar exam, a California mom of four has gone viral for her celebratory happy dance, at home wearing sweats and a head bandana, which was posted on social media. For the past 10 years, Evelyn has been a single mother, but despite raising kids all on her own, she never gave up…

Working Mom From Nigeria Passes Bar Exam, and Her Happy Dance Goes Viral on Twitter

After passing the bar exam, a California mom of four has gone viral for her celebratory happy dance, at home wearing sweats and a head bandana, which was posted on social media. For the past 10 years, mom Evelyn has been raising kids and working full time, yet never gave up her dream of becoming…