Category: authoritarianism

Microsoft, Intel, GE Provide ‘Direct Support’ to Chinese Military, State Security Bodies: Report

Eight major U.S. tech companies have business links to the Chinese military and security apparatus, according to a new report by the Washington-based advocacy group Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VoC), and Horizon Advisory consultant group. “In their endeavor to capture Chinese markets and boost their bottom lines, American corporations have increasingly supported Beijing’s military modernization,…

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now!

Commentary We all remember where we were when the Berlin Wall came down. While it may have seemed that communist rule would go on forever, when the people decided that they had enough suddenly the wall fell. Just like that. Thus it is after two years of covid authoritarianism that in Canada the largest truck…

Authoritarian China, Russia Growing Closer As They Seek to Challenge West: Expert

China and Russia are engaged in authoritarian attempts to subvert and change the rules of the international order, according to one expert. The attempt, they say, can only be thwarted by a united effort of the world’s democratic nations. “China and Russia are authoritarian states that see themselves constrained, encircled, and threatened by the liberal…

America Should Be Shining the Light of Liberty, Not Government

Commentary The Biden administration is hosting, in upcoming days, a “Summit for Democracy,” in which 110 nations worldwide have been invited to participate in this global virtual event. The U.S. State Department notes that the purpose is “setting forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies through…

Election Day: Trudeau Wants Vaccination for All; O’Toole Warns About Trudeau’s Track Record

Hot-topic issues like the pandemic and vaccination, skyrocketing house prices, and indigenous reconciliation have driven the debate these past few weeks in the federal election campaign, and today voters will choose what matters most to them and who they think will actually deliver on their promises. Party leaders concluded their campaigning on Sept. 19 with…

Why Freedom Is in Serious Jeopardy

Commentary There are many ways in which to divide humanity—the decent and the indecent, the happy and the unhappy, the cowardly and the courageous, those who lead and those who follow, etc. Two major divisions that are less often noted but highly consequential are between those who want to control others and those who have…

The Real Authoritarians Threatening America

Commentary For years now, the left has demonized President Donald Trump as a right-wing authoritarian who’s dragging America down into a dark pit of tyranny and oppression. Democrats and the media continue to push this narrative, even with him out of office. Yet, Trump champions free-market enterprise and individual liberty—in other words, freedom, the opposite…

Authoritarianism and Censorship in the COVID Era, Part 2: Coercing the ‘Vaccine Hesitant’

Commentary Now that questioners of the U.S. government’s COVID measures have been identified by the Department of Homeland Security as the top domestic terror threat (i.e., ahead of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban) (see part 1), President Joe Biden might be excused for his use of the word “patriotic”—though patriotism is supposedly the preserve of…

PM’s Australia Day Speech Reflects on History, Warns of Rising ‘Authoritarianism’

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Australia Day praised the patience and resilience of Australians who, along with the rest of the world, endured under the strain of the CCP virus pandemic over the last year. His speech covered Australia’s journey in overcoming its brutal beginnings 233 years ago to create and defend one of the…

Canada Should Team Up With Other Democracies to Counter Authoritarian Regimes’ Control Over Multilateral Organizations: Expert

From a worldwide pandemic to economic recessions, the assortment of global crises that emerged in 2020 reflect the dysfunction of existing multilateral organizations. Going forward, an expert suggests Canada takes a “minilateral” approach to global affairs. “In Canada, multilateralism became an end in itself rather than a means to promote and protect our values and…