Category: Antarctica

Solar Eclipse Brings Minutes to Darkness to Antarctic Summer

Video released by NASA showed a total solar eclipse as seen from Western Antarctica on Saturday. The earth’s southernmost continent experiences continual daylight from mid-October until early April, but the eclipse brought a few minutes of total darkness. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on…

South Pole’s Cold Season Was Coldest on Record

While the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) called July 2021 Earth’s hottest July in 142 years of recordkeeping, recent temperatures on Antarctica, the planet’s coldest continent, have been frostier than ever. In fact, the 2021 polar darkness period from April through September was the coldest on record near the South Pole. Dr. David Bromwich…

Australian Expeditioner Evacuated From Antarctica in 5 Days

Australia, China and the US have collaborated on a mission to medically evacuate an Australian expeditioner from Antarctica. The operation took five days, used ships, helicopters and planes, and canvassed thousands of kilometres of the icy continent. Australian Antarctic Division Director Kim Ellis described it as one of the most complex and challenging medical evacuations…