While out enjoying a picnic, Australian wildlife conservation artist Deb Farrimond spotted a pair of familiar, wide-eyed faces in the trees above her head. It was a pair of southern boobook owls, fluffy, adorable, and all too happy to pose for the camera. “Fortunately for me, the owls were very curious about me and my camera, and were quite comical with head tilts and wide eyes,” Farrimond, 57, told The Epoch Times. “Very funny to watch, and luckily my photos turned out really well.” Deb, treasurer for the Pastel Artists of South Australia, was attending a Christmas picnic with the group at her local Oaklands wetlands in the southern suburbs of Adelaide when she saw the fluffy pair. However, it was not the first time she’d seen this species in the area. “My husband and I had visited the wetlands the week prior to this, and found the owls in the same …