Tag: Winter Olympics

Olympic Games in China ‘a Huge Political Theater, My Heart Aches Watching This’: Latvian Team Coach

Two-time Olympic bronze medalist and current coach of the Latvian men’s luge team Martins Rubenis expressed candidly to Latvian media his disdain over the Chinese regime hosting the 2022 Games—just hours after his team competed at the Winter Olympics on Sunday, Feb. 7. As Chinese soldiers stood guard to his right, in an interview with Latvia’s national…

Olympic Games in China ‘a Huge Political Theater’: Latvian Team Coach

Two-time Olympic bronze medalist and current coach of the Latvian men’s luge team Martins Rubenis expressed candidly to Latvian media his disdain over the Chinese regime hosting the 2022 Games—just hours after his team competed at the Winter Olympics on Sunday, Feb. 7. As Chinese soldiers stood guard to his right, in an interview with Latvia’s national…

Programming Alert: Documentary ‘Canaries in a Cold War’

The documentary “Canaries in a Cold War” will be released on NTD Television Sunday, Feb. 20, at 1:30 p.m., and re-run Saturday, Feb. 26, at 5:00 p.m. It will also be available on-demand on EpochTV starting Wednesday, Feb. 9. At the beginning of 2021, singer-songwriter and human rights activist James H. White set out for…

Facts Matter (Feb. 11): Six Provinces Lift Mandates After Protests Continue; Secret Phone Recording of Ontario Premier

It has now officially been two weeks since the Freedom Convoy protest in Canada reached the capital city of Ottawa. And amid all of the challenges that they are facing—from the media, from the police, from the courts, from politicians, from Big Tech, and so on—it appears that their protest is actually working. As of…

US Beats Out China to Win Mixed Aerials Olympic Debut

ZHANGJIAKOU, China—Ashley Caldwell thinks of Christopher Lillis as family, and Justin Schoenefeld as something even more. Together, they’re Olympic gold medalists. The trio of Americans won gold in the Olympics’ first mixed team aerials event Thursday, giving the United States its first medals in the freestyle skiing discipline since Jeret “Speedy” Peterson in 2010. Caldwell…

GOP Lawmaker Condemns China’s Unjust Detentions During Winter Olympics

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) condemned Beijing’s “gross” arrests ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics targeting those who speak against the Chinese regime’s rule, saying such a move “deserves the scorn of every freedom-loving nation.” “These latest arrests are the latest example of Beijing’s willingness to silence and imprison religious minorities and political dissidents,” Scott said…

Chinese Slavery Is Being Protected by Government and Business Interests: Nadine Maenza

Slave labor is being used on a large scale globally, including by many companies right here in the United States. Much of the garment industry, for example, is using slave-picked cotton from China. Now some of these goods have been banned in the United States, but the Chinese regime continues its use of these practices….

The Silent Olympics: Beijing Restricts Free Speech

News Analysis In addition to being subjected to constant surveillance, attendees of the Winter Olympics have been warned by the Chinese regime not to speak out on any sensitive topics such as human rights issues. “How did we get to a point where we granted hosting rights to a nation where you can’t use your…

Chinese Foreign Ministry Accuses US of Inducing Athletes to Sabotage Winter Olympics

China’s foreign ministry has supported claims made in the China Daily newspaper that the United States is encouraging and bribing athletes to compete “passively” and conduct acts of “sabotage” at the Beijing Winter Olympics. The allegations were refuted by the U.S. embassy in China and were ridiculed on Chinese social media. A Chinese foreign ministry…

Activists Urge Athletes to Speak Out at Beijing Olympics

BEIJING—Human rights activists issued a call to action against the Beijing Olympics on Friday, imploring athletes and sponsors to speak out against what they call the “genocide games.” Speaking at an online press conference organized by the rights group Human Rights Watch, activists representing Chinese dissidents and the minority Uyghur and Tibetan populations urged international…