Tag: Fourth of July

Restoring the Meaning of Independence

Commentary In light of the United Kingdom’s 2020 decision to withdraw from the dysfunctional European Union, we might reflect on the historical context of our Independence Day and why we celebrate it. Two hundred and forty-seven years ago, the American Colonies severed the bonds with Britain, and our forefathers crafted a visionary document they called…

Thousands on Bicycles Kick Off Fourth of July Celebrations in Huntington Beach

Clad in red, white, and blue, thousands of patriotic cyclists gathered in Huntington Beach to celebrate the Fourth of July on the morning of July 1, many waving American flags and some even balancing their large pets from handlebar baskets while cruising through the city. “When I started this ride four years ago, 1,000 people…

Biden Unveils New Action on Student Loan Forgiveness After Supreme Court Ruling

A multi-billion dollar student loan forgiveness plan has now been struck down by the high court. What do students now face, and what’s the reaction from President Joe Biden? Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.) joins us to weigh in on the Supreme Court’s decisions on affirmative action and student loan forgiveness. She has introduced a bill dealing with the college…

Fun Things to Do in Orange County to Celebrate July Fourth

Fourth of July Celebration and Summer Carnival Looking for Independence Day celebrations over the weekend? The summer carnival at the San Juan Capistrano Sports Park will feature over 20 thrill rides, picnic games, food vendors, a beer and wine garden, and spectacular fireworks to close out the festivities. 25925 Camino del Avion, San Juan Capistrano….

Celebrate Fourth of July in Style With This Gorgeous Dessert

We used a combination of raw and cooked blueberries in the filling of this pie to showcase the deliciousness of this ripe summer fruit. Raw blueberries added juicy pops of tartness, while the cooked puree provided a jammy sweetness. Once you have all the components made, it’s as easy as piling the filling into a…

Happy Birthday, America!

SSHHREEEEE! BOOM! AHHHH! Up they flash into the night sky, bottle rockets, brocades, Roman candles, and Catherine wheels, exploding in the darkness to the delight of spectators, a glorious fountain of fireworks celebrating Independence Day. Besides serving unofficially as Pyrotechnics Day USA, the Fourth of July is also that midsummer holiday when families and friends…

Get Festive for the Fourth of July With Red, White, and Blueberries

The little dusty blue berries, the harbinger of mid-summer and the Fourth of July, our nation’s Independence Day, are just beginning to peak in the Midwest. Summer farm stands throughout the land sell containers of the juicy fruit for eating by the handful. Our preferred method. Followed closely by blueberry anything. These tiny dark blue…

Liven up Your Summer Watermelon With Mint Gremolata

This flavor-boosting combo of mint and lime, inspired by the traditional Italian herb-and-garlic gremolata recipe, livens up juicy watermelon. Put a platter out at your next cookout and watch it disappear in an instant. Watermelon with Mint Gremolata Serves 6 Active Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes Ingredients 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint, plus…

Refreshing Ice Cream Cake Is Perfectly Patriotic

Upon moving to America, it took me a second to understand and appreciate red velvet cake. I’ve never experienced a cake or any dessert whose “flavor” and the name solely depend on the addition of artificial food coloring. Once you look beyond its color, though, it’s a mild-tasting chocolate cake with a truly velvet texture….

Strawberry-Blueberry Strata Makes Fourth of July Sweeter

When I think of comfort food desserts, the first thing that comes to mind is bread pudding. And strata is a bread custard that has many creative adaptations. From chocolate to dulce de leche flavoring to a hint of caramelized peaches or pumpkin, strata is no one definitive recipe. Whether served in large souffle dishes…