Tag: exercise

A Physician’s Take on the 5 Secrets of Oscar-Winning Actress Michelle Yeoh’s Youthful Appearance

Internationally renowned martial arts superstar Michelle Yeoh won the Oscar for Best Actress at the 95th Academy Awards for her role in “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” becoming the first ethnic Chinese Oscar-winning actress. Since then, people have been focused on how she maintains such a fit figure at 60. On the program “Health 1+1,”…

A Dance to the Music of Spring

For some folks, spring cleaning means stowing away the boots and heavy coats of winter and boxing up items from the closet for a run to the thrift shop. They deep-scour kitchens and bathrooms, wash windowpanes and screens, and run a damp rag along the baseboards. The energetic throw open the garage and separate the…

Does Exercise Help You Lose Weight?

It’s no surprise exercise is one of the first things we turn to when we decide it’s time to lose weight. We readily sign up for that gym membership and commit to extra walks with the dog, believing if we exercise enough, the number on the scales will drop. Perhaps also unsurprisingly, many of us…

Rookie Senior Golfers Reap Mental, Physical Benefits

George Salem was about 55 years old when he ventured out on a golf course with one of his buddies. “I enjoyed it and went back again. I started playing once a week,” Salem, an associate professor at the University of Southern California, told The Epoch Times. “It was from that experience that I began…

Let Your Kids Be Kids

There is a significant connection between increased physical activity in children and decreased upper respiratory tract infections. In other words, the more active children are, the less likely they are to get sick. This observation is based on clinical research done by a team of Polish scientists. Their study, “Association of low physical activity with…

Exercise Over 40 Could Keep You out of the Hospital

Finding time for exercise in your 40s and beyond can be challenging. Various responsibilities can get in the way, and then by the time you’ve advanced, you might be too scared to pick it back up again. But just 20 minutes of additional exercise could make a significant difference in the likelihood you find yourself…

Squats Keep You Healthy and Beautiful: Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh, a Chinese-Malaysian actress, won the Best Actress award at the 95th Academy Awards on March 12 for her lead role in “Everything Everywhere All at Once.” Yeoh is the first Asian actress to win the award. “For all the boys and girls who are watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibility….

Exercise Can Help Get Rid of Dangerous Liver Fat

Liver fat can be pretty dangerous stuff, yet the only way to get rid of it is by losing weight. But now, there may be another way. New research shows that exercise may help reduce fat around the liver, potentially making a healthier liver more accessible to millions of people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease…

Study Confirms Physical Exercise Should Be First Choice for Mental Health Treatment

In a funk? Do you: a) reach for a bag of potato chips, b) call a friend, c) pop an extra anti-depressant, or d) head for the gym to sweat out the sadness? For years, studies have shown that exercise is one of the best ways to treat a range of mental health issues. A…

Obesity Is a Treatable Disease, These Drugs May Help

Obesity and overweight affect increasing numbers of people, and for some, diet and exercise aren’t enough. A broad range of drug interventions can help. Who Can Take Obesity Drugs, and Who Shouldn’t? While weight loss medications can be effective in aiding weight loss, they are typically prescribed only in cases of obesity or overweight that…