Tag: cats

Retractable Leashes Risky for Dogs and People

Q: I usually walk my golden retriever, Jake, on a retractable leash, which we both love. Our local park requires dogs to be on leashes no longer than 6 feet and bans the use of retractable leashes. Would you give me some ammunition so I can convince them to change their policy? A: Sorry, I…

This Naughty ‘Two-Faced’ Cat Is the Fun Version of Batman’s Two-Face—And People Just Love Her

It’s not special breeding but a random quirk of nature that has given this adorable chimera cat from Eastern Europe her beautiful and unique look. Constantly likened to the famous supervillain Two-Face from the Batman comic book series—but infinitely sweeter—Yana has perfectly split facial markings. “She is a mixture of a red dad with a…

Chronic Valve Disease Common Cause of Heart Murmur

Q: My 7-year-old, 20-pound mixed breed dog has a heart murmur. Her veterinarian thinks it’s due to chronic valve disease. What is this? A: Each time a normal dog’s heart beats, it produces two sounds: lub-dub. A murmur is an extra sound, for example, a “swish,” as in lub-swish-dub. In dogs under 45 pounds, the…

Many Ways To Get Medications Into Cats

Q: I adopted my grandmother’s cat, Sally, who is supposed to take medication but often puts up a fight. How do I get her to take her pills? A: One of my cats, Carlie, happily takes her medication. Perhaps my technique will work for you. While Carlie is eating yummy canned food, I tip her…

Don’t Let Dogs Chew Bones or Tennis Balls

Q: Baxter, my 5-year-old retriever mix, broke a tooth while gnawing on a bone. The veterinarian extracted the fractured tooth and remarked that Baxter’s enamel was badly worn, probably from chewing on tennis balls. Can you suggest some safe chew toys? A: The nylon fuzz on tennis balls damages enamel two ways: it’s abrasive, even…

Lyme Disease Is Infecting More Dogs and Spreading to New Areas

Q: My veterinarian offers Lyme vaccination, but I’m uncertain whether I should have my dog vaccinated because none of the neighborhood dogs have developed Lyme disease. What do you think? A: The answer depends on where you live, along with your dog’s breed, lifestyle and health status. Therefore, your veterinarian is the best person to…

Posh Pets

Our dogs and cats are some of our favorite companions; they give us unconditional love, asking little in return. We can show them we care in the form of these special gifts. A Bed All Their Own (Courtesy of Petmate) La-Z-Boy Duchess Fold Out Sleeper Sofa Dog Bed $176.99 Even if your pampered pooches sleep…

More Bacteria on Human Beard Than Dog Fur

Q: I grew up with dogs, but my husband wasn’t as fortunate. We now have a dog—and a toddler who loves to hug him and bury her face in his fur. My husband worries that this is unsanitary, while I say it’s fine because our dog is healthy, takes monthly antiparasitic medication and sees his…

Puppy’s Hernia Needs Surgical Repair

Q: Rosie, our pit bull puppy, has a soft lump where her belly button should be. When we push on it, it disappears temporarily. What is it, and should we be concerned? A: It sounds like Rosie may have an umbilical hernia. Your veterinarian can do a physical exam and tell you whether it needs…

Cats’ Tails Tell Tales

Q: I am about to adopt a cat, my first. I want to understand what my new cat is trying to tell me through meowing and body language. Please educate me. A: Congratulations on adopting your new family member and learning how to communicate with your kitty. Feline vocalizations, body language, scent communication, visual signals…