Tag: camping

5 Must-Have Items for Your Spring Camping Trip

The spring camping season is here and it’s time to get ready. These five must-have items are not only compact, they’ll ensure you have fun and make the most of your trip: 1. Rest and relaxation: After a day of vigorous activity, you deserve to put your feet up. And there is no better way…

Fall Into the Porkies: Camping in Michigan’s Wilderness

The sunset smolders to embers on the horizon and a mild wind pushes waves off Lake Superior into shore where we sit watching the light show finish up and the stars take over. The temperature will dip toward 50 or lower tonight, but the fall air is more invigorating than biting, and a good meal…

Off Trail: Horseback Pack Trips for the Not-So-Faint of Heart

Despite being a lifelong equestrian, I was greatly challenged by an early July horseback excursion into the Teton wilderness of Wyoming. Due to a connection with a pack-trip guide at the almost 100-year-old Triangle X Ranch, which overlooks the Grand Teton mountain range just outside Jackson Hole, Wy., I was asked to join what promised…