Category: Watch For Free

3 Drawings: Simple and Lifelike | Marcello Barenghi

A selection of three artworks by Marcello Barenghi. THESE DRAWINGS TOOK ME 1. Wooden box: 2h 15m 2. Silver bell: 1h 14m 3. Watermelon: 2h 30m Credit: Marcello Barenghi ( …

Detecting Danger: Africa’s Giant Rats

Miss Marple has a remarkable nose for danger. She is a rat, and she detects landmines by smelling them. She was born in the training lab of the Belgian company Apopo in Tanzania. Here, African giant rats—the size of a cat—are taught to sniff out explosives hidden in the ground. After a year’s training, she…

Drawing Eggshells so Realistic That You Would Like to Crush Them | Marcello Barenghi

Hyper-realistic drawing of some eggshells. THIS DRAWING TOOK: 5 hours and 28 minutes Credit: Marcello Barenghi ( …

Raccoons–Curse or blessing?

Once raccoons were brought to Germany because they were needed. Today many people wish them gone. Plenty of horror stories circulate. This film explains what can be believed. Allegedly raccoons feed on anything and anyone. In a way that is true. They are omnivores. But most of the stories about their gluttony belong in the…

Spectacular Underwater World in the Northwest of France

Some have called the coast of Brittany the Riviera of the North. The many coves with white sandy beaches appear to be idyllic, but the Atlantic here in the northwest of France is rarely calm. The tidal range can be up to six meters; that is up to three times as high as on the…

2 Drawings: Fast, Easy, and Lifelike | Marcello Barenghi

A selection of two artworks by Marcello Barenghi. THESE DRAWINGS TOOK: 1. Tennis balls: 2h 35m 2. Spoon: 1h 58m Credit: Marcello Barenghi ( …

The Return of the Predators

They’re back: the wolf, lynx, and bear. In the heart of Europe, from the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean—and they are spreading fast. They know no borders and animal filmmaker Holger Vogt was aware that he was tackling quite a controversial subject. Wherever the large predators appear, society is divided into pros and contras. On…

Hunting and Being Hunted in Kenya’s Masai Mara

The Mara River, nature’s best-laid trap for migratory animals, is the stage for a grandiose spectacle. When food supply in the Serengeti dwindles, the Masai Mara is a paradise for predators. As the black wildebeests, gazelles, zebras, and antelopes make their yearly trip from the south of the Serengeti to the north, nature’s best-laid trap,…

Drawing a Red Rose: So Lifelike You Can Smell It | Marcello Barenghi

Hyper-realistic drawing of a jar with red rose. THIS DRAWING TOOK: 4 hours and 38 minutes Credit: Marcello Barenghi ( …

3 Drawings: Simple and Realistic From the Easiest to the Most Difficult | Marcello Barenghi

A selection of three artworks by Marcello Barenghi. THESE DRAWINGS TOOK: 1. Cola Cap: 2h 18m 2. Chestnuts: 2h 10m 3. Light Bulb: 1h 40m Credit: Marcello Barenghi ( …