Category: victimhood

PREMIERING 2/28 at 7:30PM ET: Ian Rowe: We’re Handicapping Children With Victimhood Narratives Instead of Teaching Them How to Succeed

“If you say that there’s structural racism, institutional racism, systemic racism, then I have to insist on one other kind of racism. And that is surmountable racism,” says Ian Rowe, co-founder of Vertex Partnership Academies, a new network of character-focused, International Baccalaureate high schools in the Bronx. Prior to this, he was CEO of the…

Victimhood’s Badge of Honor

Commentary I’ll never forget her face. It was objectively beautiful, but hardly perceptible, masked by contortions of anger and revenge. We met on the sidewalk outside the local abortion clinic. I can’t remember her name, but I will never forget her face and her rage. She was pregnant with a baby conceived by a faithless…

PREMIERING 7:30PM ET: Adam Coleman: Overcoming a ‘Poisonous’ Society of Victims and Saviors

“My search for black identity was something that I actually enjoyed, until I started noticing that there was a level of animosity that comes with it that’s being preached. It is a celebration of being black and also is a rejection of ‘white.’” Adam Coleman is the founder of WrongSpeak Publishing and author of “Black…

PREMIERING NOW: Adam Coleman: Overcoming a ‘Poisonous’ Society of Victims and Saviors

“My search for black identity was something that I actually enjoyed, until I started noticing that there was a level of animosity that comes with it that’s being preached. It is a celebration of being black and also is a rejection of ‘white.’” Adam Coleman is the founder of WrongSpeak Publishing and author of “Black…

Adam Coleman: Overcoming a ‘Poisonous’ Society of Victims and Saviors

“My search for black identity was something that I actually enjoyed, until I started noticing that there was a level of animosity that comes with it that’s being preached. It is a celebration of being black and also is a rejection of ‘white.’” Adam Coleman is the founder of WrongSpeak Publishing and author of “Black…

PREMIERING 1/10 at 7:30PM ET: Adam Coleman: Overcoming a ‘Poisonous’ Society of Victims and Saviors

“My search for black identity was something that I actually enjoyed, until I started noticing that there was a level of animosity that comes with it that’s being preached. It is a celebration of being black and also is a rejection of ‘white.’” Adam Coleman is the founder of WrongSpeak Publishing and author of “Black…

The Affliction of Victimhood

The following is a condensed version of “Pathologies of Victimhood“ by Richard Gunderman, published at Law & Liberty. In 1973, Sacheen Littlefeather appeared in full Native American garb at the 45th Academy Awards ceremony to decline the Best Actor Oscar on behalf of Marlon Brando. Brando, she said, had boycotted the event to protest Hollywood’s portrayals…

PREMIERING NOW: Vivek Ramaswamy Exposes the ‘Greatest Form of Institutionalized Racism in the United States Today’

This episode will premiere on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 7:30 p.m. ET. “We have this victimhood metastasis where everyone wants to think of themselves as a victim,” says entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. “We have to recognize there is no winner in America’s oppression Olympics.” Ramaswamy is the author of the 2021 bestselling book, “Woke, Inc.: Inside…

Vivek Ramaswamy Exposes the ‘Greatest Form of Institutionalized Racism in the United States Today’

“We have this victimhood metastasis where everyone wants to think of themselves as a victim,” says entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. “We have to recognize there is no winner in America’s oppression Olympics.” Ramaswamy is the author of the 2021 bestselling book, “Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam.” “Affirmative action is the systemic racism that’s…

PREMIERING 7:30PM ET: Vivek Ramaswamy Exposes the ‘Greatest Form of Institutionalized Racism in the United States Today’

This episode will premiere on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 7:30 p.m. ET. “We have this victimhood metastasis where everyone wants to think of themselves as a victim,” says entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. “We have to recognize there is no winner in America’s oppression Olympics.” Ramaswamy is the author of the 2021 bestselling book, “Woke, Inc.: Inside…