Category: leopard

Leopard’s Leg Gets Injured in a Snare—Then Rescuers Save Him, and the Photos Are Incredible

A South African photographer captured stunning shots showing a team of rescuers treating a wounded leopard that had become entangled in a snare. Gary Kimble, 51, director of Windsor Metals, in Nigel, South Africa, shared images of the big cat who was successfully captured and then treated by heroic rescuers. The leopard was first spotted…

Panthers Are Actually Just Black Leopards With Invisible Spots, but Why Are They So Ultra Rare?

When you think of panthers, those black, mysterious—not to mention dangerous—leopards of the wild, your imagination may wander to obscure jungles in India or Africa, where few humans set foot. And your imagination would not be far off, for such animals are among the rarest large cats in the world. “Black panthers are uncommon,” Nicholas Pilfold,…

Photographer Captures Annoyed-Looking Leopard Mom With Cub Pouncing and Playing

A few dramatic photos taken from Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya capture the adorable moment a playful leopard cub pesters its mom after waking from a nap. Wildlife photographer Leighton Lum, 32, snapped the cute scenes when he noticed the cub starting to annoy its mom after a sudden downpour woke the little leopard…

Safari-Goer Spots Extremely Rare Black Leopard in India, and the Photos Are Stunning

In a jaw-dropping encounter, an Indian photographer caught on camera an extremely rare black leopard from just 30 feet away. Wildlife photographer Anurag Gawande captured the dark-colored leopard, or melanistic leopard, while on a safari at Tadoba National Park in western Maharashtra state in January. While melanistic leopards are already rare because of their black…