Category: humility

Civic and Moral Virtues, the American Way

Commentary In declaring their independence from Great Britain, Americans famously asserted their unalienable rights. Much less conspicuously, but no less tellingly, they listed 10 moral responsibilities consonant with those rights. In announcing their political separation, they begin by acknowledging a duty to observe “a decent respect for the opinions of mankind” by stating the causes…

Anthony Fauci Knows Better

Commentary It’s a fascinating aspect of our world that intelligent people are nonetheless capable of saying very foolish things. One of my literary ambitions is to publish a collection of the inane idiocies uttered by our intellectual luminaries, the working title of which is, “If You’re So Bright, Why Do You Say Such Stupid Things?“…

7 Traits All Great Business Leaders Share

By Steven Nelick As someone who meets a lot of business leaders and is immersed in business collaboration, I can tell you that when you meet enough impressive entrepreneurs and executives, you start to see patterns emerge. Initially, I thought this was coincidence, but as CEO of M3Linked, a business-collaboration franchise where entrepreneurs and business owners…

We Have Lost the Humility to Change

Commentary I’ve put myself in a precarious position early in my career. At 20 years old, several publications have afforded me the platform to have a voice in the national conversation—not because I’m an expert of any sort, but because they recognized the importance of broadening the generational dialogue. For this I’m hugely grateful, but…