Category: Grandparents

Due Date Is Looming for Grandmother’s Hand-Stitched Quilt for Her First Grandchild

By Debra-Lynn B. Hook From Tribune News Service I am an over-the-moon, first-time grandmother-to-be who can’t seem to do what many have done before me. That is, make the baby a quilt. The baby’s 89-year-old great-grandmother made one. By hand. She apparently sat in front of the TV for weeks and stitched together dozens of…

Emotional Reunions of Grandparents and Grandchildren

Grandparents are someone with silver in their hair and gold in their hearts. …

Our Love Affair With the ‘Grands’

Sunday, Sept. 12, is National Grandparents Day. It was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. While there were others, Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade is generally considered the main driver behind a day to honor grandparents. A West Virginia housewife, she lobbied effortlessly (along with help from her husband, Joseph McQuade) to educate…

The Joys and Pitfalls of Being a Grandparent

From that most prolific of authors, Unknown, we have this aphorism: “A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.” That amalgam of those three little bits into “grandparent” creates one of the greatest joys life can bestow on us. Being a grandparent is as different from…

Homeschooling, a Generation Later

Upon writing this, I’m watching my 6-year-old granddaughter tranquilly learn to needlepoint a bookmark. It’s her Mumsee and Pops’s day of play and learning. She’s backlit by the sun, wearing lavender overalls with her long wavy gold hair in a ponytail. This lovely picture brings me back to one of my favorite memories: watching my…