Category: FLCCC

EXCLUSIVE: Florida’s DeSantis Hopes to Let Hospital Immunity Related to COVID Die, Insider Says

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to let a controversial law giving hospitals immunity related to COVID-19 expire in June, a high-ranking official in the administration told The Epoch Times on the condition of anonymity. A spokesperson for DeSantis declined to comment on the information. Hearing that their governor won’t seek to extend the law thrilled…

Why Some Doctors Completely Dismiss Long COVID

Long COVID is a long-term illness that is proving to be difficult to diagnose. Doctors may not recognize the severity of long COVID, especially if lab work comes up normal. This may lead some doctors to mistakenly conclude that the patient’s symptoms are all in their heads. However, many experts are now actively working to…

Band of Brothers

Dr. Paul Marik and his fellows in the FLCCC fight for patients’ rights. All have paid a heavy price for taking care of patients and telling the truth. Part I in a series on Dr. Paul Marik—a magnificent doctor who was fired from his job and professorship because he successfully treated his COVID-19 patients with…

PREMIERING NOW: Dr. Paul Marik: Spike-Related Diseases, Gaslighting of the Vaccine Injured, and the Suppression of Early Treatment

This episode will premiere on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m. ET.  “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen. … If you have long COVID, you absolutely want to avoid being vaccinated.” Today I sit down with Dr. Paul Marik, one of the most highly…

Dr. Paul Marik: Spike-Related Diseases, Gaslighting of the Vaccine Injured, and the Suppression of Early Treatment

“The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen. … If you have long COVID, you absolutely want to avoid being vaccinated.” Today I sit down with Dr. Paul Marik, one of the most highly published critical care physicians in the world. He’s a co-founder of the…

PREMIERING 7:30PM ET: Dr. Paul Marik: Spike-Related Diseases, Gaslighting of the Vaccine Injured, and the Suppression of Early Treatment

This episode will premiere on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 p.m. ET.  “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen. … If you have long COVID, you absolutely want to avoid being vaccinated.” Today I sit down with Dr. Paul Marik, one of the most highly…

Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination: Here’s How It’s Being Treated

Multiple studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a highly toxic and inflammatory protein, capable of causing pathologies in its hosts. The presence of spike protein has been strongly linked with long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms. Studies have shown that spike proteins are often present in symptomatic patients, sometimes even months after infections…

6 Main Factors Increase Risk of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury

Why do some people report adverse events after COVID-19 vaccinations while some do not? This question is central to the controversy of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events. Doctors have identified several factors that contribute to an increased risk of spike protein-induced disease, specifically, post COVID-19 vaccine injury. Dr. Paul Marik, Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance(FLCCC) co-founder,…

COVID-19 Vaccine Injury, Syndrome Not a Disease: FLCCC Conference Shares How to Treat It

The complex myriad of symptoms in people suspecting of COVID-19 vaccine injury has been given a new name and an extensive treatment protocol: “Post-COVID-19 vaccines syndrome,” said Dr. Paul Marik, co-founder and Chief Science Officer of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), on Oct. 15 at a conference in Orlando, Fla., aimed at education…

DeSantis Wants Legislation to Protect Hospitalized Patients’ Rights

GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Florida is determined to protect the rights of patients in nursing homes and hospitals, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Feb. 2. After a press conference about an $89 million investment in workforce education, DeSantis said legislation was being drafted to combat an alarming trend around his state and across the county—restrictions on families visiting loved ones. …