Category: Equality

The Founders’ Understanding of Equality

Commentary “All people are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential and unalienable rights.” — John Adams We have reached a time when each of us must make an effort to rediscover what Adams and Jefferson and the other Founders meant when they declared that we are all created equal. For over a century,…

Racial Equity, Equality, and the Bureaucrats’ Charter

Commentary Reading one of the first new presidential executive orders—titled “Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government”—was for me a depressing experience. Even the term “racial equity” sent shivers up my spine: it was reminiscent of the terms “Jewish science” and “bourgeois morality,” as used by the…

Who Will Be America’s Next King?

Commentary Jan. 18 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. But I wonder why it’s still a federal holiday. I remember growing up in the ’70s and ’80s when the lead up to MLK Day was filled with lessons at school and programs on television highlighting the footage of the civil rights marches he led, the…