Category: Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Your Call May Be Monitored: China-Like Surveillance Comes to the US

Commentary In China, WeChat has become an indispensable tool for 1.2 billion of the country’s 1.4 billion people. Need to transfer money? Use WeChat. Need to book a doctor’s appointment? Use WeChat. Need to order a taxi? Use WeChat. Need to message a friend? Use WeChat. The “super-app,” as you can see, is used for…

Republicans Demand DHS Chief Releases Biden Immigration Overhaul Blueprint

A dozen Republican senators have demanded the immediate release of a Biden administration blueprint for expanding and overhauling the immigration system, according to a draft document obtained by selected media but not yet disclosed to Congress or the general public. In a joint letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (pdf), the senators demand the…

Republicans Demand DHS Chief Release Biden Immigration Overhaul Blueprint

A dozen Republican senators are seeking the immediate release of a Biden administration blueprint for expanding and overhauling the U.S. immigration system, according to a draft document obtained by selected media but not yet disclosed to Congress or the public. In a joint letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (pdf), the senators demand the…

DHS Chief Defends Harris Not Visiting Border, Calls GOP Question About It ‘Unfair’ and ‘Disrespectful’

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chief Alejandro Mayorkas on Thursday pushed back on an inquiry by a Republican congressman about whether Vice President Kamala Harris would visit the southern border, calling the question “quite unfair and disrespectful.” Mayorkas made the remarks in June 17 testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee on his agency’s fiscal…

Crime Victims Lose Their VOICE

Commentary The Biden administration announced on June 11 that it has dismantled the Victim Of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE), an agency established by former President Trump in 2017 to help victims of crimes committed by criminals illegally present in the United States. ABC News said the move “symbolizes President Joe Biden’s rejection of former President…