Category: critical thinking

On Sterile Progressive Teaching Strategies: Second Thoughts About ‘Critical Thinking’

Commentary Today, regardless of partisanship, the idea that schools should teach “critical thinking” or how to think over what to think, wins general approval. The theory that “critical thinking” enables students to pursue dispassionate studies and arrive at rational independent conclusions is something that most people find naturally appealing. Progressive educators have touted the value…

The Leftists Writing Your Child’s Social Studies Lessons

Commentary It’s hard to know what’s worse—brainwashing kids or lying about it. Parents worried their kids are being indoctrinated with critical race theory can’t get straight answers. Local school boards and principals lie to them, claiming children are merely being taught to be “critical thinkers.” On Saturday, the truth came out. Teachers unions and activists…

Opinion: The Leftists Writing Your Child’s Social Studies Lessons

Commentary It’s hard to know what’s worse—brainwashing kids or lying about it. Parents worried their kids are being indoctrinated with critical race theory can’t get straight answers. Local school boards and principals lie to them, claiming children are merely being taught to be “critical thinkers.” On Saturday, the truth came out. Teachers unions and activists…

Why Thinking Like an Open-Minded Scientist Is Good for You

In a rapidly changing world, it’s important to be able to adapt rather than stubbornly adhere to old ideas and opinions. This was one of the lessons of 2020, a year that forced us to question many of our assumptions about what behaviors are safe, how work and school can be conducted, and how we…