Category: backyard

Chain-Link Fencing Is Effective and Easy to Install

Dear James: We decided to raise chickens and need to fence our backyard. Is a chain-link fence a good choice, and what are the various parts we will need to install it? —Rhonda F. Dear Rhonda: Chain-link fencing is a versatile choice for your backyard. It makes an effective enclosure for any type of pet,…

How to Stay Safe Outdoors While Using Space Heaters and Fire Pits (Plus Other Ways to Stay Warm)

If you’ve invested some time and energy into sprucing up your outdoor space, you might be looking for ways to extend your enjoyment of it. But as the weather gets colder, it’s likely that you’ll have to turn to space heaters, fire pits, and other outdoor heaters to make sitting outside comfortable so you can…

7 Ways to Wage War Against Mosquitoes—and Win!

Mosquitoes are nasty creatures. They bite; they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets; and from what I read, they have no redeeming value in the ecosystem. Malaria infected some 212 million people worldwide in 2016 and killed an estimated 429,000. Mosquitoes spread yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya virus, and…

Will Building a Treehouse Harm the Tree?

Q: Would it harm a tree if I built a simple treehouse in it? It would be nothing elaborate: a deck, three walls, and a roof. I was thinking of the nails that would have to be used to make firm steps for my grandchildren and for the support braces. A: A few nails or…

5 Ways to Make Your Small Outdoor Space Feel Bigger

It only takes a small amount of outdoor space to enjoy the sun on your face and the breeze in your hair from the privacy of home—but if your outdoor space is petite, you might want to consider incorporating a few of these ideas to help your mini getaway feel a little more spacious than…

Building Childhood Dreams

Few structures evoke the nostalgia of childhood like the treehouse. As a child, one of my best friends had a treehouse, six feet up the oak tree in her yard, complete with a rope swing and a trapdoor. I lived for afternoons there, sipping lemonade and munching on pretzel sticks within the walls of her…

Protect Your Deck With Proper Maintenance

The inevitable is bound to happen: Your beautiful new deck will age. But you can determine how gracefully it ages. “It’s not maintenance-free to put wood outside,” says deck designer John Breiling. “When you spend $10 to $12 per square foot of deck, you want to care for your wood. It can be tough when…

Cover Up—Why mulch matters no matter the season

Merriam-Webster’s definition for mulch is a “protective covering spread or left on the ground to reduce evaporation, maintain even soil temperature, prevent erosion, control weeds, enrich the soil, or keep fruit (such as strawberries) clean.” Backyard Conservation Tipsheet provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Services notes, “Mulching is one of the…

People friendly plants

While many of us have a love for plants, there are also many who have loved ones who have a high risk of allergies or toxicity to them. From loved ones to pets, plant lovers question what plants are right for their home. When decorating your home there are many plant options out there for…

People friendly plants for your indoor oasis

While many of us have a love for plants, there are also many who have loved ones who have a high risk of allergies or toxicity to them. From loved ones to pets, plant lovers question what plants are right for their home. When decorating your home there are many plant options out there for…